
This package provides the core ISOKANN algorithm as well as some wrappers and convenience routines to work with different kind of simulations and data.

The core ISOKANN algorithm is accessed by the Iso type, which holds the neural network, optimizer, ISOKANN parameters and training data.

You can construct it by passing a tuple of (xs, ys) of arrays as input data. Here xs is a matrix where the columns are starting points of trajectories and ys is a 3 dimensional array where ys[d,k,n] is the d-th coordinate of the k-th Koopman-replica of the n-th trajectory.

To start training the neural network simply call the run! function passing the Iso object and the number of ISOKANN iterations. The resulting \chi values can be obtained via the chis method

iso=Iso((rand(3,100), rand(3,10,100)))

For more advanced use, such as with the adaptive sampling algorithms we pass a SimulationData object instead of the data tuple to the Iso constructor.

The SimulationData itself is composed of a Simulation, its simulated trajectory data as well as the features fed into the neural network for training. We supply some basic simulations which can generate the data, e.g. Doublewell, MuellerBrown, Diffusion, MollySimulation and OpenMMSimulation. Of course you can write your own Simulation which in its most basic form needs to supply only the propagate method.

sim = Doublewell()
data = isodata(sim, 100, 20)
iso = Iso(data)

We also provide different type of wrappers to load simulations [vgv] or generate data from trajectories [IsoMu].

For an advanced example take a look at the scripts/vgvadapt.jl file.


The OpenMMSimulation is a good example for an Simulation object. It parametrises a system by specifying a molecular simulation by reading the molecular structure from a .pdb file but also the system temperature, the simulation lag time and other simulation parameters.

The SimulationData in turn links such a simulation Simulation to actual simulation data which is used by ISOKANN for training. Through the specification of a featurizer the neural network does not need to digest the simulation coordinates but can use optimized features which for example guarantee invariance under rigid transformations. By default the featurizer is inhereted from the default featurizer of the Simulation. For the OpenMMSimulation we have pre-implemented pairwise distances between all atoms, locally close atoms and/or the c-Alpha atoms (c.f. the OpenMMSimulation docstring).

The Iso object then brings together the SimulationData with a neural network model and an optimizer. Its main use is together with the training routine run!() which computes the ISOKANN iteration via isotarget and updates the networks weights with train_batch. The logger field allows to ammend other operations such as the default autoplot() which displays the progress during training. The default model is the pairnet which constructs a fully connected network of a given number of layers of descreasing width and the default optimizer is Adam with weight decay.

Adaptive sampling is facilitated either by the runadaptive! method, or the individual adddata!, resample_kde!, addextrapolates! used in a custom training routine.

The learned chi values can be accessed via chis(::Iso) and the reaction rates via exit_rates(::Iso)

Contents of the source files


  • simulation.jl: handling of SimulationData which mainly dispatches to other lower-level functions
  • data.jl: low level functions for accessing and manipulating the data tuple
  • iso2.jl: main training routine
  • isotarget.jl: different ISOKANN iteration targets for 1D and higher dimensional chi functions
  • models.jl: convencience functions for the contruction/manipulation of model and optimiser


  • simulators/langevin.jl: A simulator for the Langevin equation
  • simulators/openmm.jl: Wrapper around OpenMM for molecular dynamics simulations


  • molutils.jl: different utilities to work with molecules and molecular data, such as alignment, dihedrals etc.
  • pairdists.jl: different methods to compute pairwise distance features
  • plots.jl: plotting functionality
  • subsample.jl: stratified or KDE based uniform subsampling along a given reaction coordinate


  • extrapolate.jl: generation of new sampling points by extrapolating on the neural network (dreaming)
  • bonito.jl and makie.jl: live visualizations via Makie.jl/WebGL and the dashboard using the Bonito.jl webserver
  • reactionpath.jl: reaction paths by integration on the neural network
  • reactionpath2.jl: reactive path extraction from sampled data by solving shortest paths problems